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No More Paint Fumes: How to Get Rid of Paint Smell?

Are you looking to give your home a makeover with a fresh coat of paint? At Groovy Hues, our painting experts understand how paint fumes can make it impossible to work, sleep, or enjoy your space. To eliminate strong paint smells in your home, you must first understand what causes them. Discover how to get rid of paint smell below.

Understanding Paint Smell

Some paint contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that turn into a gas at room temperature, endangering your health. As you begin to paint, you release VOCs into the air, causing the tell-tale paint smell. Consider using VOC-free or low-VOC paint to protect yourself.

The Risks of Poor Air Quality

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends leaving a painted room to get some fresh air as soon as you notice symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and watery eyes.

Regular exposure to VOCs may cause cancer or damage your nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Take all necessary precautions before painting an indoor space.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Paint Smell Naturally

You can remove the paint smell using various natural methods. Try one of these easy ways to get rid of the paint smell:

1. Keep the Room Well Ventilated

Keeping the room well-ventilated represents one of the simplest, most effective methods to eliminate paint smell. Open windows and doors to increase air circulation and allow fresh air into the room. Using a few fans and air purifiers will improve ventilation and reduce the paint scent faster.

2. Maintain a Cool Indoor Temperature

To remove paint odors, keep the room at a cool temperature after painting. Warm temperatures make paint fumes more potent, so cooling a room down will aid in eliminating the smell. Turning on your air conditioner or letting in a cool breeze will lower the temperature and reduce the intensity of the scent.

3. Baking Soda

Using baking soda will help absorb paint smells so you can use your space sooner. Place it in a container and leave it in the room for several days to absorb odors, including paint fumes. Make sure you replace it regularly to ensure continued odor absorption.

4. Activated Charcoal

Consider using activated charcoal over baking soda if your paint emits an intense smell. Research findings demonstrate that activated charcoal functions with greater efficiency and effectiveness than baking soda when eliminating odor.

5. Air Purifier

Placing your air purifier in a newly painted room overnight will remove chemical pollutants and paint smells by filtering out harmful particles. Ensure your air purifier has a HEPA filter to trap small particles and contaminants.

6. Onions

Onions may not seem like an obvious solution, but they naturally absorb paint odors. Slice onions in half, place them in a bowl of water and leave them in your room overnight to give your room a fresh scent.

7. Scented Candles

Lighting scented candles will freshen up your room by masking the paint smells. Choose candles made with natural ingredients, such as beeswax or soy wax. Steer clear of candles with synthetic fragrances that may add to the overwhelming smell of chemicals. Light the candles and allow them to burn for a few hours to cover up paint fumes with a pleasant scent.

How to Prevent Paint Odors and Remove Strong Paint Smell

You might find it challenging to stop lingering fumes from spreading throughout your home, but you can implement a few measures to minimize their impact. Take these actions to prevent the spread of the smell.

Tips for Preventing Paint Odors in the Home

1. Select Low-VOC Paint

By using low-VOC paint, you can prevent the intense smell that a volatile organic compound emits and ensure the safety of yourself and others. Always choose low-VOC or VOC-free paints for a safer painting experience.

2. Improve Ventilation

Maintain proper ventilation while painting. Opening all the windows, doors, and skylights will allow fresh air to flow throughout your home during the painting process.

3. Use Paint Additives

Consider using a few drops of paint additive that neutralizes VOCs and other chemicals in the paint to reduce its odor. Mix the additive into the can to minimize paint vapors.

4. Maintain Optimal Room Temperature

Keep the house cool by gauging the temperature throughout the day and using an air conditioner or dehumidifier while painting to reduce humidity.

5. Remove Excess Paint

You should clean up spills and drips after painting. To eliminate unwanted paint residue, utilize high-quality cleaners. Dispose of used paint cans as directed by your local authorities.

Cleaning Your Home to Get Rid of the Strong Smell of Paint

Cleaning your home will help get rid of the paint smell. Performing the following tasks to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

1. Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming will remove dust, dirt, and other particles that trap odors.

2. Use an Air Purifier

An air purifier will eliminate the particles that make your house smell.

3. Wash Fabrics

If you paint a room with curtains, bedding, or clothes, wash them to dispel unpleasant smells.

4. Keep your Home Clean

Clean your home regularly to keep it smelling fresh and clean. Wipe down surfaces often and dispose of your used paint cans in an environmentally friendly way.

Chemicals in Paint That Cause Odor

Paints contain several compounds that emit unpleasant scents. Let’s look at some of the most common chemicals found in paint.


Formaldehyde preserves paint but gives off a colorless gas with a strong odor that people associate with new paint. Paint manufacturers add formaldehyde to prevent bacterial growth and prolong product shelf life.


Benzene serves as a solvent, aiding in the dissolution of paint components to make the application go more smoothly. The benzene evaporates into the air, producing a distinctive smell when your paint dries.

Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Paints that contain TCE as a solvent or thinner will impact your health if you breathe too much of it. This chemical evaporates at room temperature, producing a strong, sweet odor. Inhalation may result in dizziness, headaches, or confusion.

Prolonged exposure to paint fumes can result in other health problems, like eye irritation and respiratory issues. Always take the necessary precautions to minimize your contact with these fumes.

When to Call the Professionals

If you follow all of our prevention tips and natural remedies and the paint odor persists, you should call the professionals. Your home may need a deep clean to remove any stubborn odors. Before you call, inspect your house for mold or mildew growth, which may cause a musty smell similar to fresh paint.

Consider calling the professionals before you start your painting project. Professional painters will help you choose the right paint for your project. They will ensure a perfect paint job and get rid of paint smell by cleaning their tools after they use them each day.


What neutralizes the smell of paint?

Several natural remedies neutralize the smell of paint. Some of the most effective natural remedies include keeping the room well-ventilated, using activated charcoal, placing a few bowls of white vinegar around the room, and using scented candles or essential oils.

How long does it take for paint smell to go away?

How long it takes for paint smell to go away depends on several factors, such as the type of paint, ventilation, and humidity. In most cases, the odor will linger for several days to a week. However, in some cases, it may take several weeks for the smell to dissipate completely.

Is it safe to sleep in a room after painting?

Sleeping in a freshly painted room can harm your health due to the fumes. Wait for at least 24 hours before sleeping in a painted space. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. It naturally absorbs smells, including strong smells like fresh paint.


Eliminate unpleasant paint smells as soon as possible because breathing it in can lead to health problems. At Groovy Hues, we protect your safety and eliminate residual paint odor before we leave. Call us at 844-939-HUES to book a free estimate.